Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Class of 1984

This is made on Yearbook Yourself

Try it out.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 1, 2008

Tag Cloud of Presidents Addresses

Contained in the following webpage is a Tag Cloud that has been created from all presidents state of the union addresses.

Use the slider above the cloud to go back in time.

Go to Site.

Interesting thoughts:

War and the enemy always a common theme.
Surprisingly enough Bill Clinton uses the word Family (or variations) the most.

Learning New Stuff, or Polishing Skills: iTuneU.

Now on iTunes there is a thing called iTunes U.

They are now offering free college and other courses, Professor Lectures and interviews.

I found some very interesting culinary arts interviews, from Univ of So. Florida. But I am also checking out a English Class and a Philosophy Class.

I have also seen College Algebra and Trig.

Learn more >> Link to Apple Site.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Learned something New.
- When put in charge of the admin responsibilities of a linux RedHat 2.1AS server, there are somethings that I have learned.

There are some logs in /var/log that can get very big and use up substantial disk space.

Yesterday my sendmail was giving me a error of insufficient disk space. unable to send. unable to save. with a few other errors. So, I googled, and learned that the df command is very handy. It showed me that in the filesystem mounted on /var was 100% used up. So I started there. I looked through the entire /var dir looking to what was going on. The maillog and the secure files were huge. Hadn’t been looked at since we the server was started in 2005. I also found in /var/mail each user that had mail also hadn’t been cleared for a while. root’s mail had thousands of emails, spanning back from 2005.

After a few hours and reviewing and clearing several hundred megabytes up, the sendmail resumed it’s proper operation.

Thanks to:

The developers and hosts for:
WinSCP :: Free SFTP and FTP client for Windows

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Learning Object Oriented Programming

The majority of my programming experience is from PICK/BASIC on jBase running on a Redhat Linux Server.

The more I do in Pick/Basic the more I become interested in learning new lauguages and branching out to other platforms. In my attempts to branch out and learn new languages I have found interest in mostly Ruby on Rails. But they are different than what I am used to seeing, and they seemed to have a common theme. I have since learned that Ruby is a Object Oriented Language.

I have found this wikipedia page very helpful in explaining Object Oriented Programming.


... to be continued.

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