Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hosting Wordpress on a AWS EC2 instance

Hosting Wordpress on a AWS EC2 instance

If you want to install Wordpress by hand on EC2. It's a lot of fun to get in to AWS and play around.

Get Wordpress Running on EC2

This tutorial gets you 80% there...

But if you are like me, and don't want to putz around with FTP... and you want Full Automatic Upgrades, you need a couple more things.

Enabling Wordpress Auto Updates on EC2

Follow this tutorial to get the permissions right.

Then add this to the wp-config.php:


Bam! You can upgrade without FTP.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

PuPHPet, saying goodbye to FTP once and for all.

It's a tool to quickly build up PHP virtual boxes using Vagrant and Puppet.

At work (the day job) we use Vagrant and Chef. But for Never Behind I don't have a full-time DevOps guy to create Vagrant configs for my smaller clients. puPHPet solves that problem.

So, no more FTP non-sense.

Thanks to Host Gator's SSH on the shared accounts, Bit Bucket's free private repos, Oracle's Virtual Box... and now PuPHPet using Vagrant and Puppet; Even for my smallest clients I can have the power of a full virtual dev environment.

Pretty Sweet.